The Weigh Down On Weight: Losing It Right Via Shaklee 180

Category: Healthy Weight

"I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks." Is this famous quote from Totie Fields someth...

8 Tips to Help You Beat Bloating

Category: Healthy Body

Ever find yourself bloated after eating? Like your stomach is sticking way out and you can't breathe? Do you feel like yo...

Look for These 10 Natural Ingredients in Your Hair Care Products

Category: Healthy Beauty

In my last article Hair-thinning Culprits In Your Shampoo Label , I talked about some of the harmful common ingredients found ...

Hair-thinning Culprits In Your Shampoo Label

Category: Healthy Beauty

Have you noticed lately that your hair is now thinner than it used to be? Do you look in the mirror and see scalp where you ...

7 Immunity-fortifying Supplements That Build Your Immune System

Category: Healthy Nutrition

When you feel sick, what's the first thing you do? Do you research about organic and natural solutions, or do you just po...

Natural Solutions to Ease Gout

Category: Healthy Body

Have you experienced a sudden severe pain in your big toe or in your knees, wrists, and even in your elbows to the point you f...

Are You Losing The Right Weight?

Category: Healthy Weight

One challenge with most weight management programs is that you are often losing the wrong weight. In the beginning of your di...

These 5 Simple Things Will Improve Your Teens' Test Scores and Memory

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Does your teen or someone you know, need to write an exam or a test of some sort in the near future? If so, I wanted to share som...

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