The Role of Supplements in Filling Nutritional Gaps

Category: Healthy Nutrition

These days, you don’t have to be a nutritionist or dietician to have a general idea of what you should be eating. There are l...

Do B Vitamins Cause Lung Cancer in Men?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

We recently discovered an article in The Atlantic titled: “Vitamin B6 and B12 Supplements Appear to Cause Cancer in Men.â€...

How Hand Sanitizers Can Help Protect You

Category: Healthy Home

Germs are everywhere. Nearly every single thing we touch during the course of a regular day is contaminated, from our mobile pho...

What Should Men Look for in a Multivitamin? - old

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Women are healthier than men. This statement is based on mortality rates, life expectancy, and other irrefutable statistics. ...

The Importance of Iodine in Pregnancy

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Did you know that iodine is an important part of a healthy pregnancy? Iodine is essential to the development of your baby&#...

How Much Iron Do Women Need?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

If you find yourself often feeling fatigued or having difficulty concentrating, you might need to have your blood checked for ir...

3 Powerful Benefits of GLA for Women's Health

Category: Healthy Nutrition

As we are about celebrate National Women's Health Week, it's important to discuss a specific health issue that affects o...

How Do Shaklee Green Cleaners Differ From Conventional Brands?

Category: Healthy Home

Have you ever noticed that the labels of cleaning products have no list of ingredients? In the U.S. and Canada, companies t...

3 Reasons to Use Shaklee Basic H2 for a Healthy Home

Category: Healthy Home

Why should you choose eco-friendly household cleaners over conventional, chemically scented, harsh toxic cleaners found on gro...

6 Ways We Used to Supplement Our Diets

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Thanks in large part to significant advancements in science and technology, people today have a much better grasp of nutrition i...

Can Alfalfa Supplements Be Bad for You?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), also known as lucerne, is a flowering, perennial legume that favors warmer climates. Most of the pla...

The Role of Soy on Heart Health

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Diet will always be front and center when we talk about factors that can have a significant effect on our overall health. But...

Blood Pressure Diet: What's Potassium & Sodium Got to Do With It?

Category: Healthy Body

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects one out of every three adults (about 75 million people) in the U.S. ...

Is Coronary Heart Disease Really Irreversible?

Category: Healthy Body

Imagine the vascular system as your body's plumbing. The heart is the pump, the arteries and veins are the pipes, and the bl...

Feeling S.A.D.? Here Are Some Ways You Can Cope

Category: Healthy Body

Most of us feel a little down now and then. But if your melancholy occurs in sync with the turn of the seasons, you might be suf...

Why Start Your Weight Program With a Cleanse?

Category: Healthy Weight

Holiday get-togethers with family and friends are typically associated with two things: exchanging presents and indulging in hig...

Are Fad Diets Bad Diets?

Category: Healthy Weight

These days, it's hard to browse the internet, watch TV, or read magazines without seeing a feature about the next miracle we...

Shaklee Gift-Giving Guide

Category: Healthy Body

The holidays are right around the corner! I don't know about you, but this time of year can be a little hectic for me as it&...

How to Beat Stress This Holiday Season

Category: Healthy Body

Are you struggling to cope with daily stress? Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any even...

Interferons: Your Body's Natural Sentries

Category: Healthy Body

Our bodies are naturally equipped with an immune system that protects us from harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fun...

6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Category: Healthy Body

More than 3.3 million Americans aged 40 years and older are either legally blind or have poor vision. The leading causes of ...

How to Keep Your Mind Sharp Using Shaklee's MindWorks

Category: Healthy Body

Literally everything we do is controlled by cellular activity in our brain, and this complex organ is made up of about 100 billi...

Are There Benefits of Saw Palmetto for Prostate Health?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

In last week's wellness article, we touched on iron deficiency, which is more common in women primarily because of their men...

Shaklee vs. Other Prenatal Vitamins - Is There Really a Difference?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is the first piece in the puzzle when putting together a complete picture to get all the n...

Does YOUTH® Help With Teen Acne?

Category: Healthy Beauty

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans every year. Unfortunately for ...

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