The Role of Supplements in Filling Nutritional Gaps Category: Healthy Nutrition These days, you don’t have to be a nutritionist or dietician to have a general idea of what you should be eating. There are l... |
Do B Vitamins Cause Lung Cancer in Men? Category: Healthy Nutrition We recently discovered an article in The Atlantic titled: “Vitamin B6 and B12 Supplements Appear to Cause Cancer in Men.â€... |
How Hand Sanitizers Can Help Protect You Category: Healthy Home Germs are everywhere. Nearly every single thing we touch during the course of a regular day is contaminated, from our mobile pho... |
What Should Men Look for in a Multivitamin? - old Category: Healthy Nutrition Women are healthier than men. This statement is based on mortality rates, life expectancy, and other irrefutable statistics. ... |
The Importance of Iodine in Pregnancy Category: Healthy Nutrition Did you know that iodine is an important part of a healthy pregnancy? Iodine is essential to the development of your baby... |
Category: Healthy Nutrition If you find yourself often feeling fatigued or having difficulty concentrating, you might need to have your blood checked for ir... |
3 Powerful Benefits of GLA for Women's Health Category: Healthy Nutrition As we are about celebrate National Women's Health Week, it's important to discuss a specific health issue that affects o... |
How Do Shaklee Green Cleaners Differ From Conventional Brands? Category: Healthy Home Have you ever noticed that the labels of cleaning products have no list of ingredients? In the U.S. and Canada, companies t... |
3 Reasons to Use Shaklee Basic H2 for a Healthy Home Category: Healthy Home Why should you choose eco-friendly household cleaners over conventional, chemically scented, harsh toxic cleaners found on gro... |
6 Ways We Used to Supplement Our Diets Category: Healthy Nutrition Thanks in large part to significant advancements in science and technology, people today have a much better grasp of nutrition i... |
Can Alfalfa Supplements Be Bad for You? Category: Healthy Nutrition Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), also known as lucerne, is a flowering, perennial legume that favors warmer climates. Most of the pla... |
The Role of Soy on Heart Health Category: Healthy Nutrition Diet will always be front and center when we talk about factors that can have a significant effect on our overall health. But... |
Blood Pressure Diet: What's Potassium & Sodium Got to Do With It? Category: Healthy Body High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects one out of every three adults (about 75 million people) in the U.S. ... |
Is Coronary Heart Disease Really Irreversible? Category: Healthy Body Imagine the vascular system as your body's plumbing. The heart is the pump, the arteries and veins are the pipes, and the bl... |
Feeling S.A.D.? Here Are Some Ways You Can Cope Category: Healthy Body Most of us feel a little down now and then. But if your melancholy occurs in sync with the turn of the seasons, you might be suf... |
Why Start Your Weight Program With a Cleanse? Category: Healthy Weight Holiday get-togethers with family and friends are typically associated with two things: exchanging presents and indulging in hig... |
Category: Healthy Weight These days, it's hard to browse the internet, watch TV, or read magazines without seeing a feature about the next miracle we... |
Category: Healthy Body The holidays are right around the corner! I don't know about you, but this time of year can be a little hectic for me as it&... |
How to Beat Stress This Holiday Season Category: Healthy Body Are you struggling to cope with daily stress? Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any even... |
Interferons: Your Body's Natural Sentries Category: Healthy Body Our bodies are naturally equipped with an immune system that protects us from harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fun... |
6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Category: Healthy Body More than 3.3 million Americans aged 40 years and older are either legally blind or have poor vision. The leading causes of ... |
How to Keep Your Mind Sharp Using Shaklee's MindWorks Category: Healthy Body Literally everything we do is controlled by cellular activity in our brain, and this complex organ is made up of about 100 billi... |
Are There Benefits of Saw Palmetto for Prostate Health? Category: Healthy Nutrition In last week's wellness article, we touched on iron deficiency, which is more common in women primarily because of their men... |
Shaklee vs. Other Prenatal Vitamins - Is There Really a Difference? Category: Healthy Nutrition Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is the first piece in the puzzle when putting together a complete picture to get all the n... |
Does YOUTH® Help With Teen Acne? Category: Healthy Beauty Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans every year. Unfortunately for ... |